Thursday, February 20, 2014


Today was a day of mixed emotions....for the first time in over 10 years I went on an interview.  Not a lot of people know I'm looking for something else so I haven't posted anything about it on Facebook.  I probably won't even post this one to Facebook.  I currently love my job...other then pledge drives when at least one of us ends up crying it's ok for the most part.  I get to work when I want...I like the people I work with...I just need to find something that takes out taxes.  I think however that this year we are going to take our taxes to an accountant to have them figured out.  I don't know I just get depressed thinking about it.  I did like the job I interviewed for today.  I have mixed feelings about it though.  I don't know if I want to add to my work load but I think getting up and getting out of the house will do me some good.  The job is at a local church in their office.  The hours are 10 - 2 so I still wouldn't have to get up too early, and I would be off early enough to pick up the kids or take them to practices.  That and have time to do my other job.  So I have that on my mind.  That was the excitement for the day.
The sadness part is that a good friend is going through cancer again.  She's been through so much in her life and I hate that she'd having to deal with this.  I hate that I live so far away that I can't help her.  I hate cancer!
My mother is moving...she's been in the house she's at for over 20 years.  I'm glad she's moving because I'm convinced the house is full of mold.  I think after she gets out of there she'll feel better.  But the move is bittersweet.  A lot of memories where made in that house.  I hate that she's moving right now because I can't be there to help like I want to.  She's moving during my busy time and I can't take off to help her pack.  I think I might go Saturday or Sunday depending on how much work I have.  She won't be getting the key to her new place until March 1st but that's just a week or so away.  I'm thankful my brother in law will have a bunch of young men to help. Of course we've moved all our lives, across states, across towns and the best part is the unpacking, it's like Christmas you find things you never knew you had...or you forgot  That and you get a clean house.  I told David the other day the house was dirty we needed to move.  I actually look forward to the day the kids are all out of the house and we can move into something in the mountains.
Another thing I've had to deal with this past week is my ex.  He was actually let out of prison early by a couple of months.  He doesn't deal with me so I don't worry about him much.  But he has gotten on Facebook and starts sharing Taylor's pictures saying that's his daughter and she looks just like him.  Sometimes this doesn't help things here at home.  Taylor will put up with him for some things but then gets mad when he starts talking about wanting to do this and that with her.  She knows we can't get him to pay child support but he uses the excuse that I won't let him see her.  Which is far from the truth.  She doesn't want to see him.  I think it upsets her when he starts talking bad about me.  She knows who's been there for her.  I just don't get why it is that people think they are parents when they live so far away and never take care of the child.  Since the day my children were born or came to me they have always gotten what they needed or wanted over me.  It's been that way for the past 15 years, yet there are people out there that care more about their wants then their kids.  I just don't get it.

Well that's it for me tonight.  If you got this far, thanks for reading my ramblings.  Please keep my friend and her family in your prayers, and my mother as well.

Good Night!

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