Thursday, January 23, 2014

Crochet Along and Other Craft Issues

Over the years I've done some sort of craft and it changes with the times.
In my stash I have cross stitching kits, yarn, knitting needles, looms, crochet hooks and a tub of just miscellaneous craft stuff.  I also have books on quilting because I so want to learn how to quilt.  All my life growing up my mother sewed for us.  She made clothes most of the time, or costumes or stuffed animals.  I never was into sewing but for awhile now I've wanted to learn how to quilt.  The only thing is I don't have the room or a sewing  I'm dreaming of the day when we have an extra room because the kids have moved  When that happens I'll be able to move all "craft crap" out of my closet and out of my room.  As it stands right now it looks like a yarn shop threw up in my room.  That's fine with me but I don't think David is enjoying my stuff.

One thing I love about social media is the groups that you can find!  I have been part of The Crochet Crowd community for awhile now and love it!  They do several challenges and crochet-a-longs a year.  I love the Facebook page!  Several others in the community all over the world post their projects and it's truly and inspiration.

Currently they have three things going on.  The Crochet Along - Shimmery Hearts, the Monthly Challenge - Happy Hearts Afghan and the Creativ Festival Contest has Gone 'Mad! Mad for the Mad Hatters Contest!

I'm working on all three.  Well I've finished one scarf for the crochet along. I loved the way it turned out.

I'm in the process of working on the other two challenges but there's nothing to really show yet.  I'm tempted to make another one of those scarves.  It was fun and easy to do.  And the yarn is so fuzzy!!!  LOL

Bye for now!

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